Lunne et al (1997) suggested an approximate method to estimate soil permeability (hydraulic conductivity) from the CPT via the Soil Behavior Type (SBT) chart using […]
Traditionally the CPT has not been used extensively for the calculation of vertical settlements due to foundations loads. Partly this has been due to the […]
Boulanger and Idriss (2007, ASCE) recently presented an excellent summary for the evaluation of the cyclic softening in silts and clays. They correctly suggest that […]
A challenge when using CPT data for liquefaction evaluation is that the CPT data are collected at very close intervals, typically ever 5cm (2 inches), […]
In this ‘Remarks’, I would like to discuss the application of shear wave velocity for settlement calculations. A major advantage of the seismic Cone Penetration […]
Welcome to Robertson’s Remarks! The previous ‘Robertson’s Remarks’ covered a pet peeve of mine, that engineers/geologist often state: “The disadvantage of the CPT is that […]
Welcome to Robertson’s Remarks! My name is Peter Robertson and many of you may know me as an academic/researcher (c/o University of British Columbia then […]